Posts Tagged ‘garden fashion’

Onions and Linens

The Seed Swap last night was a success–not a huge turnout, but a good one, and we got a few folks signed up for community garden plots as well.  Good conversation, too, and it reminded me that we should try to get a seed starting clinic set up for the next month or so.  I wonder if there are any Master Gardeners out there who need to fulfill their service hours?

Today I’m going to get a couple more flats started–“Talon” yellow onions and a new variety of flatleaf parsley I got from Pinetree called Prezzemolo Gigante D’Italia.  That’ll have to be after I go downtown and meet with our new farmers market insurance agent, whose company is saving us over five hundred bucks on our liability costs.  We’re not tickled by the politics of their company, but they’ve waived the membership fee for us, so we’re jumping on board.

Stopped down at the Civic Council this morning and picked up a couple new (to me) long-sleeve, long-tailed linen shirts.  They’re pretty, and for a couple months I’ll probably wear them as “nice” clothes–but when the sun really starts to beat down in the gardens, there’s nothing like a long-sleeve linen shirt for garden work.

As much as I adore being sun-kissed, sometimes I get a little too infatuated and let the sun go a little too far with me.  The linen is cool and breathable but still protects from the harsh rays (I often get a bit of a “half-moon” tan on my lower back from shorter t-shirts).   And, although I’m not one to care too much about how I look in the gardens–you gotta admit almost anyone looks good in linen–even when they’re sweaty and covered with dirt.